Susan's Kitchen Concerts

James Bay United Church, 511 Michigan St. , VIctoria BC

Do you love the kind of concert where you’re invited to feel part of the music, equally welcome to sing along, to move to the music or to simply sit and listen? Join us this fall on Thursday nights, when Susan Ellenton shares songs that inspire, amuse and dig deep.

The series runs for 6 weeks, from Sept. 28th through Nov. 2nd. Doors open at 7; singing starts at 7:15 and runs for about an hour. Bring a friend! Admission by donation.

“As Rosalie Sorrels used to say, however else you want to define it a folk song is a song you can use in your life. Susan’s Kitchen serves up a weekly concoction of compelling stories, light-hearted singalongs, and moving original songs on piano. As Susan says, “These shows are just like life, different every time!”